About , Staten Island
Well known butcher shop/deli located in Staten Island for 25 years. High traffic area near public transportation. Conveniently situated near highway and multiple retail shops. Sale of business includes: One Walk-In Refrigerator measuring 15 x 12, One Commercial Meat Grinder, One 10 Burner Stove with Ansel System above, One Deep Fryer, One 32 foot Meat Showcase, One 10 foot Salad Showcase, One 10 foot Cold Cut Showcase. 12 feet of Soda Showcases, One 8 foot Freezer for frozen items, TwoCheese Freezers for storage, One 4 foot Milk Refrigerator, Two Globe Slicers. Full Basement with compressors and storage area. Compressors include Two Water Cooled and Two Air Cooled. Lease Includes Taxes, Insurance, & Common Fees.
Facts & Features
Subtype | Food and Beverage |
County | Richmond |
Tax Abated | No |
List Price per Sqft | $228.68 |
Zoning | C1-2 |
Electric | 220 Volts |
Heating System | Forced |
Air Conditioner | Central |
Area | Eltingville |
Year Built | 2000 |
Building Sqft | 1290 |
Sewer | City |
Heating Source | Natural Gas |
# of Heating Units | 2 |